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Privacy and cookies policy of ECOTRIO LABS

Last updated: 15 March 2024



At ECOTRIO LABS we value the security of our users and customers and we are committed to defending their rights, and therefore their privacy. We want you to feel safe while you enjoy your visit to our website and our services. For this reason, in our privacy policy you will find how we treat and protect the personal information of all the people who interact with ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. (RGPD) and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, ECOTRIO LABS S.L., informs you that, by accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the data you provide to be processed by ECOTRIO LABS S.L., as data controller, and on which the security, technical and organisational measures provided for in the current regulations are applied.

You should be aware that these policies shall be governed by Spanish law, which shall be applicable in all matters not provided for in these policies in terms of interpretation, validity and execution.

The translated versions of ECOTRIO LABS legal agreements and policies are provided solely for the user's understanding of the English versions. The translations of the legal agreements do not establish any legal binding and therefore do not replace the original English versions, nor do they have any validity. In case of conflict or dispute, this contractual relationship shall be governed by the English versions of the agreements and policies, and they shall prevail over the versions in other languages.


1. Data controller

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Company name: ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

Registered office: Calle Berna 2, 7.1, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante (Spain)

CIF: B05313481 / VAT: ESB05313481

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)


2. Purpose of processing and categories of data processed

What categories of data do we process?

Depending on the website, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. processes the following categories of data:


Identifying data

Name, first name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, postcode, telephone numbers.

Encrypted user identification codes or keys.

Commercial information data, such as purchase history on the website.

Transactional data, such as products and services ordered, financial data and payment methods.

The personal data requested are obligatory, and refusal to provide them will make it impossible to carry out the contracted services.

In the event that the user provides data of third parties, he/she declares that he/she has their consent and undertakes to provide them with the information contained in this clause, exempting ECOTRIO LABS S.L. from any liability in this regard. However, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. may carry out checks to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations. In particular, persons under the age of eighteen (18) may not access the website or make purchases, not even with the authorisation of their legal guardians. Therefore, ECOTRIO LABS will not, under any circumstances, collect data from persons who are minors.

The data that in the forms provided by ECOTRIO LABS S.L. through the website are marked with an asterisk (*), will be necessary to comply with the established contractual or legal purposes. Therefore, if the user does not provide them, it will be impossible to register on the website or attend to your request.


For what purpose and for how long will we process your personal data?

ECOTRIO LABS S.L., will process the user's data, manually and/or automatically, for the following specific purposes:

Manage your registration as a user on the online website owned by ECOTRIO LABS S.L. (hereinafter, the "website"). However, in any case the user must verify and validate their registration on the website by entering their username and password by consent.

Manage the contracting of the products and/or services that you make through the website, as well as the corresponding invoicing and delivery.

Periodically send communications via email, post, telephone and/or SMS, with offers, promotions and news related to our online website, unless otherwise indicated or unless the user objects or revokes their consent.

Periodically send commercial and/or promotional information related to the sector of the products and services contracted through the website and of added value for end users, unless otherwise indicated or unless the user objects or revokes their consent.

Only in the event that the user has ticked the corresponding box, ECOTRIO LABS may create a commercial profile using the information provided by third parties and may offer products and services according to their interests, as well as improve their user experience, being able to make automated decisions based on their preferences or personal interests, reliability or behaviour, products purchased, etc. Based on the above, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. may make specific offers, as well as send you commercial communications adapted to your profile. In any case, the user may oppose or revoke their consent at any time.

Complying with legally established obligations, as well as verifying compliance with contractual obligations, including fraud prevention.


How long do we keep your data?

ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will keep the personal data of users only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, as long as they do not revoke the consents granted. Subsequently, if necessary, the data will be kept for 5 years, or the period established by law for any action that may arise from the processing.

In the case of data that you send us a curriculum vitae, it will be kept for 5 years from the date of the last update. After this period has elapsed without being updated, the data will be deleted, unless otherwise indicated.


What security measures do we put in place to protect your data?

For the protection of the different types of data reflected in this privacy policy, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will carry out all the necessary technical security measures to prevent their loss, manipulation, dissemination or alteration:

Confidentiality agreement on website workers and service providers.

Encryption of communications between the user's device and the servers of ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

Encryption of the information on the servers of ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

Other measures to prevent access to user data by third parties.

In those cases where ECOTRIO LABS S.L. has service providers for the maintenance of the website that are outside the European Union, these international transfers have been regularised in accordance with ECOTRIO LABS S.L.'s commitment to the protection, integrity and security of customers' personal data.


3. Legitimation

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

ECOTRIO LABS S.L. is legitimised to process user data in order to register the user on the website by means of the consent of the interested party, requested for the specific case.


For its part, the management of the contracting of products or services through the website, payment, invoicing and corresponding shipments is legitimised by the execution of the contract itself.

The processing of data for the sending of electronic bulletins (newsletter) with offers, promotions and news related to our website, commercial and/or promotional information, the preparation of anonymous statistical reports on access habits and the activity carried out by users on the website and the preparation of commercial profiles using data derived from the management of products and services contracted with ECOTRIO LABS S.L., are based on the legitimate interest of ECOTRIO LABS S.L. to carry out this processing in accordance with current legislation.

The consents obtained for the above purposes are independent, so that the user may revoke one or more of them without affecting the others.

Likewise, the user's information may be used to comply with the different legal obligations of ECOTRIO LABS S.L.


4. Communication of data

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

All ECOTRIO LABS S.L. service providers have a contract that protects personal information and restricts the use of any personal information in accordance with this policy. In the event that the communication of data is necessary, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will only share personal data that is strictly necessary for the purpose:

To the team responsible for sending orders and the marketing team of ECOTRIO LABS S.L., for services and for the development of commercial campaigns and promotions, as well as the collection of contact form data (name, surname, email, telephone number and email address provided).

To banks and financial institutions for the collection of the services offered through the Monei payment platform (see privacy policy).

To the carrier company for the shipment of orders, usually Nacex (see privacy policy) or Correos (see privacy policy). In the case of other companies, they always have their privacy policy on their website.

To the Gmail/Google email manager (see privacy policy) for sending newsletters, commercial communications, newsletters and implementation of campaigns.

To the Instasent instant messaging manager (see privacy policy) for sending promotional SMS.

To the WhatsApp/WhatsApp Business Chat widget (see privacy policy) for online chat.


5. Other data processed by ECOTRIO LABS S.L.

As part of ECOTRIO LABS S.L.'s commitment to the privacy and protection of personal data, we inform you of other data processing that may be carried out in the context of customer relations, specifically in relation to telephone customer services.


In this sense, ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will process your data in order to improve the quality of our services, as well as to manage the request made and provide, where appropriate, the services that have been requested. If you wish, you can contact us through the telephone numbers provided for this purpose, the legal basis for processing will be the adoption of pre-contractual measures or the development of the contractual relationship, as well as, in certain cases, your own consent.


6. User rights

What rights does the user or data subject have?

You can write to us at any time, free of charge, to exercise the following rights:

Revoke consents granted.

Obtain confirmation as to whether or not ECOTRIO LABS S.L. is processing personal data concerning him/her.

Access your personal data.

Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Obtain from ECOTRIO LABS S.L. the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions foreseen in the data protection regulations are met.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation to the processing of their data, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will cease to process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

Obtain human intervention, to express their point of view and challenge automated decisions taken by ECOTRIO LABS S.L., where appropriate.

Request the portability of your data.

Claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( when the interested party considers that ECOTRIO LABS S.L. has infringed the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.


Privacy policy: Contact

You can exercise all your rights by contacting us:

Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)



7. Confidentiality

The personal data collected through this website or through the different communications with the user will be treated with confidentiality, and we undertake to keep them secret in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


8. Cookies: Use, tracking tools, analysis and tracking data.

The ECOTRIO LABS S.L. website uses cookies to differentiate between different users of the website. This allows the user to have a better experience when visiting our website, helping to improve it.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files generated by the web pages you visit, which contain session data that may be useful later on in the website. The data allows the website to keep track of your information between pages, and also to analyse how you interact with the site.

The ECOTRIO LABS S.L. website uses cookies generated and used by this website and some are "external cookies" that are generated on our website by third parties. They allow us to remember every part of your visits and purchases as you progress through the website, remember customer data and display appropriate content according to your browsing habits, based on your selected options. They also help us to understand user behaviour within our website, which means we can improve your experience across the site.

Cookies can only store text, which is usually always anonymous and encrypted. ECOTRIO LABS S.L. will never store any personal information in cookies.

Cookies are secure because they can only store information that is put in place by the browser, which is information that the user has entered into the browser or that which is included in the page request. It cannot execute code and cannot be used to access your computer. If a website encrypts cookie information, only the website can read the information.

Session cookies contain information that is used within your current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Nothing is retained on your computer beyond the time you spend on the website. Persistent cookies are used to store information that is used between visits. This data allows websites to recognise that you are a returning customer and to react accordingly. Persistent cookies have an indefinite value over time.

Cookies are used by the website to maintain your session as you progress through the website, collect information on your purchasing and spending habits, once logged in. They are used to display relevant products within your future visits.

With Google Analytics we track customer interaction within the website. This gives us suggestions that allow us to improve the website and the products and services we offer and your preferences.


We also work with partners who create third party cookies which are then used on other websites to advertise appropriately and relevantly based on your browsing history. These cookies do not store personal information, only allow other websites to identify you and are based solely on your browsing history.


Web applications

The applications we use to collect cookies and obtain information about your user session and purchases are:

Namecheap Hosting (see privacy policy )

Siteground Hosting (see privacy policy )

Google Analytics and its services, including Google Analytics Ad Reporting Features, Google Analytics Demographic and Interest Reporting, and Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) with IP address anonymization (see terms of service ).

Google Tag Manager and other Google services (see privacy policy )

Google Fonts (see privacy policy )

Matomo Analytics (see privacy policy )

WIX (see privacy policy )

HubSpot CRM (see privacy policy )

Hotjar surveys, Hotjar Recruit User Testers, Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets, Hotjar Heat Maps & Recordings, Hotjar Form Analysis & Conversion Funnels (see privacy policy )

Cloudflare and Cloudflare Bot Management (see privacy policy )

Trustpilot Automatic Feedback Service (see privacy policy )


How to delete browser cookies

All Internet browsers allow you to limit the behaviour of a cookie or disable cookies within your browser settings or options. The steps to do this are different for each browser:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge



Duty to provide information: Revision (GLT) of Article 22 of the LSSI

Service providers may use data storage and retrieval devices on recipients' terminal equipment, provided that the recipients have given their consent after having been provided with clear and complete information on their use, in particular on the purposes of the data processing, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data. Where technically possible and effective, the consent of the recipient to accept the processing of the data may be provided through the use of appropriate browser settings or other applications. The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network or, to the extent strictly necessary, for the provision of an information society service expressly requested by the recipient.

It will be understood that the user consents to the use of cookies if he/she decides to continue browsing the website.

The User can obtain more detailed information on the use of cookies in our Cookies Policy.


Activities strictly necessary for the operation of this Application and the provision of the Service

This Application uses so-called "technical" Cookies and other similar Trackers to carry out activities that are strictly necessary for the operation or provision of the Service.


Third-party trackers

Protection against SPAM and bots

This type of service analyses the traffic of this Application, which may potentially contain Users' Personal Data, in order to filter out unwanted parts of the traffic, messages and content that are recognised as SPAM or to protect it from the activities of malicious bots.


Cloudflare Bot Management (Cloudflare)

Cloudflare Bot Management is a malicious bot protection and management service provided by Cloudflare.

Personal Data processed: app openings, number of sessions, number of times the App is opened, city, clicks, postcode, Usage Data, video views data, IP Address, session duration, status, session statistics, interaction events, touch events, tap events, page events, motion sensor events, custom events, touch events, search history, browsing history, language, application information, device information, browser information, page scrolling interactions, latitude (of city), longitude (of city), mouse movements, country, scroll position, province, Trackers, device logs, geographic region, operating systems, page views, and metropolitan area.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy .

Duration of storage:

__cf_bm: 3 seconds

__cfruid: duration of the session

cf_ob_info: 3 seconds

cf_use_ob: 3 seconds

cfmrk_cic: 3 months


Hosting and backend infrastructure

Such services are intended to host Data and files to enable this Application to function and be distributed, as well as to provide a ready-to-operate infrastructure to enable various functionalities or parts of this Application to be implemented.

Some of the services listed below, where applicable, may operate through geographically distributed servers, making it difficult to determine the exact location where Personal Data is stored.


SiteGround Hosting (SiteGround Hosting Ltd.)

SiteGround Hosting is a hosting service provided by SiteGround Hosting Ltd.

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, different kinds of Data, as specified in the Privacy Policy of the service and Trackers.

Place of processing: United Kingdom - Privacy policy .


Other activities involving the use of Trackers


This Application uses Trackers to enhance the quality of the user experience and enable interaction with external content, networks and platforms.


Interactions with online polling platforms

Such services allow Users to interact with third party online polling platforms directly from the pages of this Application.

In the event that one of these services is installed, it is possible that even if Users do not use the service, it may collect Usage and Navigation Data relating to the pages on which they are installed.


Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets (Hotjar Ltd.)

Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets are services that allow interaction with the Hotjar platform provided by Hotjar Ltd.

Hotjar executes generic Do Not Track requests. This means that your browser can instruct the Hotjar script not to collect any User Data. This configuration option is available in all major browsers. Access Hotjar's opt-out link here .

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, different kinds of Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: Malta - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress: 30 minutes

_hjCachedUserAttributes: session duration

hjClosedSurveyInvites: 1 year

_hjDonePolls: 1 year

_hjFirstSeen: duration of the session

_hjIncludedInPageviewSample: 30 minutes

_hjIncludedInSessionSample: 30 minutes

_hjLocalStorageTest: session duration

hjMinimizedPolls: 1 year

_hjRecordingEnabled: session duration

_hjRecordingLastActivity: duration of the session

hjSession*: 30 minutes

_hjSessionRejected: session duration

_hjSessionResumed: session duration

_hjSessionTooLarge: 1 hour

hjSessionUser*: 1 year

_hjShownFeedbackMessage: 1 year

_hjTLDTest: session duration

_hjUserAttributesHash: session length

_hjViewportId: session length

hjid: 1 year


Interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties

This type of service allows Users to interact with data collection platforms or other services directly from the pages of this Application in order to store and reuse data.

If such a service is installed, it may collect Usage and Browsing Data relating to the pages on which it is installed, even if Users do not actively use the service.


Hotjar Recruit User Testers (Hotjar Ltd.)

The Hotjar Recruit User Testers widget is a service to interact with the data collection platform provided by Hotjar Ltd.

Hotjar executes generic Do Not Track requests. This means that your browser can instruct the Hotjar script not to collect any User Data. This configuration option is available in all major browsers. Access Hotjar's opt-out link here .

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, different kinds of Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: Malta - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress: 30 minutes

_hjCachedUserAttributes: session duration

hjClosedSurveyInvites: 1 year

_hjDonePolls: 1 year

_hjFirstSeen: duration of the session

_hjIncludedInPageviewSample: 30 minutes

_hjIncludedInSessionSample: 30 minutes

_hjLocalStorageTest: session duration

hjMinimizedPolls: 1 year

_hjRecordingEnabled: session duration

_hjRecordingLastActivity: duration of the session

hjSession*: 30 minutes

_hjSessionRejected: session duration

_hjSessionResumed: session duration

_hjSessionTooLarge: 1 hour

hjSessionUser*: 1 year

_hjShownFeedbackMessage: 1 year

_hjTLDTest: session duration

_hjUserAttributesHash: session length

_hjViewportId: duration of the session

hjid: 1 year


Display content from external platforms

This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and to interact with it.

Such services may collect web traffic data for the pages on which they are installed even if the User does not use them.


YouTube Video Widget (privacy-enhanced mode) (Google LLC)

YouTube is a video viewing service provided by Google LLC that allows this Application to embed such content on its own pages.

This widget is configured in such a way as to ensure that YouTube will not store information and cookies about Users of this Application unless they play the video.

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) and Trackers.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy .


Google Fonts (Google LLC)

Google Fonts is a font family display service provided by Google LLC that allows this Application to incorporate such content in its pages.

Personal Data Processed: Usage Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy .


Font Awesome (Fonticons, Inc. )

Font Awesome is a font family display service provided by Fonticons, Inc. that allows this Application to incorporate such content into its pages.

Personal Data Processed: Usage Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy .



This Application uses Trackers to measure traffic and analyse User behaviour in order to improve the Service.



The services contained in this section allow the Owner to monitor and analyse web traffic and may be used to track User behaviour.

WIX Stats

Personal Data processed: Usage and Tracking Data.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy

Duration of storage:

tk_tc: session duration


Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) (Google LLC)

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) is a web analytics service provided by Google LLC ("Google"). Google uses the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application, to prepare reports on its activities and to share them with other Google services.

Google may use the Data collected to contextualise and personalise ads in its own advertising network.

Personal Data processed: Usage and Tracking Data.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour

_ga: 2 years

gac*: 3 months

gat: 1 minute

gid: 1 day


HubSpot Analytics (HubSpot, Inc.)

HubSpot Analytics is a statistical service provided by HubSpot, Inc.

Personal Data Processed: Usage Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

__hs_gpc_banner_dismiss: 6 months

__hssc: 30 minutes

__hssrc: session duration

__hstc: 2 years

hubspotutk: 2 years

messagesUtk: 2 years


Hotjar Form Analysis & Conversion Funnels (Hotjar Ltd.)

Hotjar is a statistics service provided by Hotjar Ltd.

Hotjar allows "Do Not Track" requests. Hotjar executes generic Do Not Track requests. This means that your browser can instruct the Hotjar script not to collect any User Data. This configuration option is available in all major browsers. Access Hotjar's opt-out link here .

Personal Data Processed: Usage Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: Malta - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress: 30 minutes

_hjCachedUserAttributes: session duration

hjClosedSurveyInvites: 1 year

_hjDonePolls: 1 year

_hjFirstSeen: duration of the session

_hjIncludedInPageviewSample: 30 minutes

_hjIncludedInSessionSample: 30 minutes

_hjLocalStorageTest: session duration

hjMinimizedPolls: 1 year

_hjRecordingEnabled: session duration

_hjRecordingLastActivity: duration of the session

hjSession*: 30 minutes

_hjSessionRejected: session duration

_hjSessionResumed: session duration

_hjSessionTooLarge: 1 hour

_hjSessionUser*: 1 year

_hjShownFeedbackMessage: 1 year

_hjTLDTest: session duration

_hjUserAttributesHash: session length

_hjViewportId: duration of the session

hjid: 1 year


Google Analytics 4 (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). Google uses the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application, to prepare reports on its activities and to share them with other Google services.

Google may use the Data collected to contextualise and personalise ads in its own advertising network.

In Google Analytics 4, IP addresses are used at the time of collection and then discarded before the Data is recorded in any data centre or server. Users can obtain more information by consulting Google's official documentation.

Personal Data processed: number of Users, Usage data, session statistics and Trackers.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

_ga: 2 years

_ga_*: 2 years


Matomo Cloud (InnoCraft)

Matomo Cloud is a statistics service provided by InnoCraft.

Personal data processed: Trackers.

Place of processing: New Zealand - Privacy policy .


Google Analytics Ad Reporting Features (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics on this Application has Advertising Reporting Features enabled, which collect additional information from the DoubleClick cookie (web activity) and device advertising IDs (in-app activity). This allows the Controller to analyse specific behavioural and interest data (Traffic Data and Users' interaction data with advertising) and, if enabled, Demographic Data (age and gender information). Users may opt-out of Google's use of cookies in their Ads Settings .

Personal Data processed: different kinds of Data, as specified in the Privacy Policy of the service, unique device identifiers for advertising (e.g. Google Advertising ID or IDFA, for example) and Trackers.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

IDE: 2 years

gcl_*: 3 months

test_cookie: 15 minutes


Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics Demographic and Interest Reporting is a Google advertising reporting feature that provides Demographic and Interest Data within Google Analytics for this Application (demographic data is defined as age and gender data). Users may opt out of Google's use of cookies in their Ads Settings .

Personal Data processed: unique device identifiers for advertising (e.g. Google Advertising ID or IDFA) and Trackers.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

IDE: 2 years

gcl_*: 3 months

test_cookie: 15 minutes


Heat mapping and recording sessions

Heat mapping services are used to show the areas of this Application that Users interact with most frequently. This shows where the points of interest are located. These services allow us to monitor and analyse web traffic and track User behaviour.

Some of these services may record the sessions and make them available for later visual playback.


Hotjar Heat Maps & Recordings (Hotjar Ltd.)

Hotjar is a heat mapping and session recording service provided by Hotjar Ltd.

Hotjar executes generic Do Not Track requests. This means that your browser can instruct the Hotjar script not to collect any User Data. This configuration option is available in all major browsers. Access Hotjar's opt-out link here .

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, different kinds of Data, as specified in the Privacy Policy of the service and Trackers.

Place of processing: Malta - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress: 30 minutes

_hjCachedUserAttributes: session duration

hjClosedSurveyInvites: 1 year

_hjDonePolls: 1 year

_hjFirstSeen: duration of the session

_hjIncludedInPageviewSample: 30 minutes

_hjIncludedInSessionSample: 30 minutes

_hjLocalStorageTest: session duration

_hjLocalStorageTest: session duration

hjMinimizedPolls: 1 year

_hjRecordingEnabled: session duration

_hjRecordingLastActivity: duration of the session

hjSession*: 30 minutes

_hjSessionRejected: session duration

_hjSessionResumed: session duration

_hjSessionTooLarge: 1 hour

_hjSessionUser*: 1 year

_hjShownFeedbackMessage: 1 year

_hjTLDTest: session duration

_hjUserAttributesHash: session length

_hjViewportId: duration of the session

hjid: 1 year


Anonymised statistics services

The services listed in this section allow the Data Controller, through the use of third party Trackers, to compile and manage statistics in an anonymised form.


Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) with anonymised IP address (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). Google uses the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application to prepare reports of your activities and share them with other Google services.

Google may use the Data collected to contextualise and personalise ads in its own advertising network.

This Google Analytics integration anonymises your IP address. It works by shortening IP addresses in Member States of the European Union or in other Member States of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent for shortening to a Google server located in the USA.

Personal Data processed: Usage Data and Trackers.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy - .

Duration of storage:

AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour

_ga: 2 years

gac*: 3 months

gat: 1 minute

gid: 1 day


Statistical services directly managed by this Application

The services listed in this section allow the Data Controller to compile and manage statistics through the use of Origin Trackers.


Matomo (self-hosted) (this Application)

Matomo is a statistical software used by this Application to analyse data directly and without the intervention of third parties.

Personal Data processed: Usage Data, IP Address and Trackers.

Duration of storage:

_pk_cvar*: 30 minutes

_pk_hsr*: 30 minutes

_pk_id*: 2 years

_pk_ref*: 7 months

pk_ses*: 30 minutes

_pk_testcookie*: session length



This Application uses Trackers to provide personalised promotional content based on User behaviour and to manage, facilitate and track advertisements.


Contact management and messaging

This type of service allows the management of a database of e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or other contact information to communicate with the User.

These services may also collect data regarding the date and time the User viewed the message, as well as the User's interactions with the message, such as clicking on links embedded in the message.


HubSpot Email (HubSpot, Inc.)

HubSpot Email is an email management and messaging service provided by HubSpot, Inc.

Personal Data processed: Usage data, e-mail address and Trackers.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy policy .

Duration of storage:

__hs_gpc_banner_dismiss: 6 months


How to manage preferences and grant or withdraw consent

There are several ways to manage preferences related to Trackers and to grant or revoke consent, where applicable:

Users will be able to manage preferences related to Trackers directly from the settings of their own devices, for example, by preventing the use or storage of Trackers.

In addition, where use of the Trackers is based on consent, Users may provide or revoke such consent by setting their preferences within the cookie notice or by updating such preferences as they wish via the applicable consent preferences privacy widget, if any.

It is also possible to delete previously stored Trackers, including those used to remember the User's initial consent preferences, through the relevant browser or device functionality.

Clearing your browsing history may delete other Trackers from your browser's local memory.

For third party Trackers, Users may manage their preferences through the related opt-out link (where one exists), by using the means indicated in the third party's privacy policy or by contacting the third party.


Localisation of the Trackers configuration

For example, Users can find information on how to manage Cookies in the most frequently used browsers at the following addresses:


Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge



Users may also be able to manage certain categories of Trackers used in mobile applications by disabling them through the relevant device settings, such as the device's mobile advertising settings or tracking settings in general (Users may open the device settings and look for the relevant option).


How to opt out of interest-based advertising

Without limiting the foregoing, Users are hereby informed that they may follow the instructions provided by YourOnlineChoices (EU and UK) , the Network Advertising Initiative (US) and the Digital Advertising Alliance (US) , DAAC (Canada) , DDAI (Japan) or other similar services. Such initiatives allow Users to select their tracking preferences for most advertising tools. The Proprietor therefore recommends that the User use these resources in addition to the information provided herein.


The Digital Advertising Alliance offers an application called AppChoices that helps Users control interest-based advertising in mobile applications.


Consequences of not allowing the use of Trackers

Users are free to decide whether or not to allow the use of Trackers. However, it should be noted that the Trackers help this Application to provide Users with a better experience and advanced functionalities (in line with the purposes stated herein). Therefore, if the User decides to block the use of the Trackers, the Owner may not be able to provide the related features.


9. Update of the privacy policy

This Privacy Policy may need to be updated. For this reason, it is necessary for the user to review this policy periodically and, if possible, each time he/she accesses the website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its processing.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user will be informed of any changes to this privacy policy that affect the processing of their personal data.



If you have any doubts, queries, questions, suggestions, comments... Contact us. ECOTRIO LABS is a young company with a team full of enthusiasm and desire to work. Our priority is the satisfaction and trust of our customers. If you have any questions about the privacy policy and/or want to request any information and/or send communications and/or submit corrections and/or comments about sales, orders, products, payments and shipments, you can do so through these channels:


Telephone: 633 41 25 29 (opening hours: weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

Contact form that you will find on the ECOTRIO LABS contact page. 

Thank you very much!

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